A Student’s Point of View: Welcome to Spring 2021
It’s now a new year and I had a great winter break. I hope you had a nice holiday with your friends and family while staying safe in this unusual time. I am glad to be back at RIT and enrolled in 3 photography courses. I’m looking forward to continuing my work as a student blogger! I enjoy sharing my thoughts and stories through this blog and hearing your reactions to my posts. I am excited about my spring semester and immersing myself in photography and its challenges. I love the experiences I get working with my professors in the school.

and provides access to so much gear.
For my first post, I wanted to explore staying inspired during Covid. For my future posts, I am going to look at using resources effectively and I am also planning to interview alumni. I will ask them to share advice for after school and their perspectives on the industry. I am really interested in their journeys after graduation. My goal for these blog posts is to inspire and share wonderful stories.

When I returned to campus, it felt surreal or maybe bittersweet. I was hoping to come back to a world without Covid. That’s not the case but it’s okay. I keep telling myself that it can only get better and not worse. Some friends feel burned out with Covid fatigue while others feel inspired and motivated. All I know for certain is, that we all are in the same pandemic but in different circumstances. I think it is important to check on your friends from time to time. Whether it’s just to say hi, or to ask them how they are feeling. Talking can be a great tool for mental health and can often bring people closer and forge trust. Covid has forced everyone to make adjustments with how they work, where they work, and how they interact with others.

I feel fortunate that RIT has taken the Covid guidelines seriously which keeps the community as safe as possible. This allows for students and faculty to participate in person for many courses. Keeping the environment safe and normal is accomplished by social distancing in classrooms, lounges, living spaces, and dining areas. This shifted the way we to do things, but it makes it possible for us to be on campus.

Our routines have changed drastically and being in College is really different than it used to be, but this does not mean your spirit is gone. I have found i just have to interact with it in different ways. I believe if we keep our hopes and dreams alive, things will be okay.
By Emily SuDock

About Emily
Emily SuDock is a third-year advertising photography student who is also cross-registered in the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. She has been hard of hearing most of her life. Emily was born in China adopted by her loving family. They are a big part of her life. Emily has a Nikon 600 with a 35 mm lens which she loves taking portraits with.