Student Feature – Brooke Goldman


Bio: Brooke Goldman is a 3rd year Fine Art Photography major from Delray Beach, Florida. She focuses on creating long-term personal projects that mainly explore the theme of relationships.

What was your most challenging assignment as a photography student?

All of the projects that I have worked on recently have revealed a lot of my secrets and given the viewer a voyeuristic view into my personal life, but nothing felt as challenging as the family project we had to do freshman year. I’ve had a huge struggle with my relationship with my father over the past years, and at the time of the project I was upset with him and didn’t include him in it. That still hurts me to think about, but it challenged me in my own life beyond the project, and made me realize that I needed to change how I was feeling.


What do you love about the school?

I love the atmosphere we have in our small major. There were only five of us in my Fine Art Core class last semester and we had such a good energy going. We all think alike and are always trying to give criticism to make each other’s work the best it can be. I really love that lack of competitive spirit and the constant push to go beyond what we’ve already done. All of us make each other better artists and photographers, which I enjoy the most.






To see more of Brooke’s work, go to

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